Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Dear students,

Choose the venue you would like to go and explain your reason/s in 30 words. 

DEADLINE:  Thursday 24, 4pm.

Good luck,


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Dear all,
Did you choose your buttons?  So share with us some important information about you.

I cannot wait.  This is why I going to share some information about me! Let's start with music.  My favorite singer is Marc Anthony.  I love all the passion he transmits through his voice and lyrics.  I also like him because he is able to make me dance with his salsa and also cry with his ballads in English.  However, I also enjoy listening to classical music because it gives peace and space to be with myself during my yoga time. But what I cannot stand is rock because it is too loud and noisy.  Referring to food, I can tell you that I prefer fruits, vegetables, and chicken.  I am not crazy about chocolate but it is really hard to stop eating bread.  I love it!  I try to eat as healthy as I can and I really like to drink at least ten glasses of water daily. About sports, in the mornings, I practice yoga from 4.30am to 5am.  Then I go jogging with my mom every day from 5 am to 6 am.  As you know, I am a mother of two and at this time they are sleeping. But on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I and my oldest son, Danny Josue, go to dancing classes from 8pm to 9pm.  We really enjoy them.  Making reference about my work, I am really happy with the carrier I chose.  I DO love English and I feel blessed when I share what I know with my students.  I work in a rural public school in Huishil from 7 to 3.30.  After that, I go to the university for my Business English classes where I speak my dear language along one or two hours without stopping. To be honest, most of the time, I consider my job as a hobbie. Finally, it is the time to write about books.  I love reading and I always have a book in my bag.  So if I have free time, I will take advantage of this and I will pick up my book to start reading it.  Now, I am reading "TheMonk Who Sold His Ferrari".  This is a spiritual fable that is helping me to develop my critical thinking about the way this world works.  I also enjoy reading poetry, methodology, and romance.  In short, this is all about the topics I chose. 


Now, it is your turn.  Good luck.

Deadline: Wednesday 23, 4pm.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Dear students,

According to Anthoy Sills, the following are seven important business lessons from "The Godfather".  Rank them and explain in 100 words why did you choose this business lesson as the number one in your list?

Lesson 1: Cultivate and maintain relationships to develop a powerful network. 

Vito Corleone’s rise to power is rooted in doing favors for others and building goodwill among his business partners. He develops a reputation as someone who knows how to repay a favor. But just knowing the “right people” is not enough. When undertaker Amerigo Bonasera asks a favor of Vito on Connie’s wedding day, Vito is offended, replying, “We have known each other many years, but this is the first time you’ve come to me for counsel or for help. I can’t remember the last time you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child.” Don’t show up only when you need something.

Lesson 2: Helping people is good for business.

Tech entrepreneur Daniel Gulati observes in the Harvard Business Review that “the professional world is powered by favors.” Helping others achieve their goals can build goodwill and establish your reputation as someone who gets things done. As Johnny Ola tells Michael Corleone, “Hyman Roth always makes money for his partners. One by one, our old friends are gone … Hyman Roth is the only one left, because he always made money for his partners.” People remember people who help them out, and as Don Altobello says in Coppola’s film ”The Godfather Part III,” “The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends.”

Lesson 3: Have a clear vision and be patient. 

Michael has a plan to transition his “family” away from illicit activities to become legitimate. At one point his wife chastises him, claiming he promised her the family would be legitimate in five years, yet seven have passed. Although he never achieves his goal, Michael works diligently toward it throughout the three films. He keeps his plans close to the vest and takes action to make them happen, even when his associates are in the dark and think he’s losing his touch.

Lesson 4: Know your objective … and your competition. 

In business it’s critical to know exactly what you want and where you’re going. It’s just as important to keep that information to yourself most of the time. There are countless scenes in the trilogy where the only reason certain parties are successful in their endeavors is that they had specific goals and up-to-date (sometimes insider) information on the activities of their competitors. As Michael Corleone says, “Never let anyone know what you are thinking.”

Lesson 5: Have a trusted source of advice and unbiased feedback. 

In the Mafia, the godfather typically has a “consigliere” — an adviser or counselor — who gives impartial advice and helps the boss make important decisions. In the business world it is just as important to have someone to turn to that will tell you the truth. This could be a mentor, a business coach or trusted family member.

Lesson 6: Make your message clear. 

When Bruno Tattaglia and Virgil Sollozzo see through Vito’s plans to infiltrate their organizations using his enforcer Luca Brasi, they make sure the Corleones know what happened and who was responsible. A fish wrapped in Brasi’s bulletproof vest informs the Corleones that “Luca Brasi sleeps with the fishes.” When Jack Woltz refuses to cast Johnny Fontane in a movie that would resuscitate Fontane’s career, he receives a message that is just as impossible to misunderstand — a horse head in his bed. Whether you’re sending an email message, mailing a direct mail package, giving a speech or planning a marketing campaign, make certain your message is crystal clear.

Lesson 7: It’s all about the offer.

If you craft a strong, compelling offer, it will motivate your prospect to take action. A great offer can cut through the avalanche of marketing the average consumer is bombarded with daily, overcome resistance and break down barriers to buying, and separate you from the competition. (Think of Domino’s ”30 minutes or less” guarantee.) How will you know when you have a compelling offer? Easy. It will be “an offer you can’t refuse.” And as you make your way to the top of the business world, always remember, in the words of Hyman Roth, “Good health is the most important thing. More than success, more than money, more than power.”

DEADLINE: Wednesday 16, 13h00pm


Thursday, January 10, 2013


Dear students,

You have to decide the better power point presentation of today afternoon.  You need to mention at least three reasons explaining why it is your favorite.

DEADLINE: Saturday 10am

Good luck,

Monday, January 7, 2013


Dear students,

In your opinion, what's the best characteristic of a leader and why?  Write 120 words. 

DEADLINE: Tuesday 8, 10am.

Good luck,

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Dear all,

     To work in a peaceful place is a blessing and sometimes WE are the people who create this wonderful atmosphere, aren´t we?  So, share with us your "Five keys to Get Job Satisfaction" in 120 words (more or less you know the limits).

Deadline: Thursday 3, 13h00.

Good luck,